This is how I hug my cat every time I do housework, what about you?

It’s important to handle cats with care, especially when they’re not accustomed to being held in certain ways. Cats generally prefer to feel supported and secure when being held, so it’s recommended to cradle them against your body with one hand supporting their hindquarters and the other hand supporting their chest or front legs.

Có thể là hình ảnh về mèo ragdoll

Hanging a cat up by any part of their body is not advisable as it can cause discomfort, stress, and potentially harm the cat. Cats have delicate structures and can easily become frightened or injured if they feel unsupported or if their weight is not properly distributed.

Có thể là hình ảnh về mèo ragdoll

If you need to carry or hold your cat while doing housework, here are some tips for safe handling:

  1. Support the Hindquarters: Always support your cat’s hindquarters to ensure their spine and legs are not strained. Place one hand under their hind legs and the other supporting their chest or front legs.
  2. Keep Them Close: Cats feel more secure when they are held close to your body. Avoid dangling them or letting them hang unsupported.

Có thể là hình ảnh về mèo ragdoll

  1. Observe Their Comfort: Pay attention to your cat’s body language. If they seem tense, uncomfortable, or are struggling to get free, gently lower them to a safe surface.
  2. Practice Patience: Some cats may not enjoy being held for long periods, especially if they are not used to it. Gradually introduce them to being held and respect their boundaries.
  3. Use Carriers: For longer periods or when moving around, use a cat carrier or a secure holding method that keeps them safe and comfortable.Có thể là hình ảnh về mèo ragdoll

Remember, every cat is different, and they may have their preferences for how they like to be held or carried. By respecting their comfort and safety, you’ll strengthen the bond between you and ensure their well-being.

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